Last thusday 18 of Dec 2008 we all ada outsite meeting di concored hotel shah alam, this meeting conduct by our CEO and also senior operation manager. Kat sini more focus to understand manufacturing business trend yang sekarang nie kita tahu sedang mengalami kemelesetan ekonomi impact daripada US market yang menurun. For simple statement orang ramai "sekarang" tidak lagi membeli barang so company banyak terover buat, so impact untuk kilang2 electronic memang cukup besar.
This morning also dengar daripada berita 1500 worker WD di sarawak kena berhenti due to plan tutup kat sana. Mungkin nak cover operation di selangor kot??
1,500 in Sarawak to lose jobs with closing of Western Digital plant
KUCHING, Dec 20 — The decision by Western Digital, the world's second-largest hard-disk drive manufacturer, to close its Sarawak plant in the Samajaya Jaya Free Industrial Zone (SJFIZ) here due to the global economic meltdown will affect 1,500 workers, state Assistant Minister for Industrial Development Datuk Daud Abdul Rahman said today.
He said officials from the company, formerly known as Komag USA (M) Sdn Bhd, had confirmed that the United States-based investor, was not only retrenching all its workers but also closing down its operation here as it was no longer economically viable.
"It is sad that the state government was not informed of the abrupt decision in advance (until my ministry decided to call Western Digital officials for a meeting today) because we are sympathetic to the plight of the workers, who were only being given a last-minute notice through a video conferencing with the chief executive officer last week," he told a media conference here.
Earlier he met with Western Digital Media (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd senior director Keong Chan and its human resources director Saiful Bahri Sopar at his office in Petra Jaya here.
He said the affected workers, all locals, including 500 engineers and technicians accounted for 10 per cent of the 15,000 workers in the electronics industry at SJFIZ. - Petikan daripada themalaysianinsider.
Tapi yang best that day is, announcement from our CEO bonus and increment sure akan dapat.....alhamdullilah....hehehe....satu lagi next month annual dinner still akan proceed jugak....perghhhh.........exempt staff outside tranning akan di buat oooo. Rase macm impact problem tu tapi bagi la macm2 ekk....Anyway thanx a lot....
Lepas understand trend kedian ada plak grouping for startegi and tactic for 2009.....setiap 2 jam setengah makan. Then dalam kul 4.30ptg ada buat wrap up and explaination of the strategi and tactic.
Ini ada beberapa gambar mase meeting and training ari tu.

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